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KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Bronx

Fastfood Restaurants
Feel like shopping in Bronx or looking for a KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)? View below the addresses, phone numbers and the website of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Bronx. Through the map you can simply find out where they are located in Bronx.

Also see KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Stores and Stores Bronx.

1 W Burnside Ave
10453 Bronx
(718) 329-2698

1 W Fordham Rd
10468 Bronx
(718) 563-2046

123 W Kingsbridge Rd
10468 Bronx
(800) 225-5532

1620 Westchester Ave
10472 Bronx
(718) 589-5950

1959 Bruckner Blvd
10472 Bronx
(718) 409-4061

307 E 204th St
10467 Bronx
(800) 225-5532

321 E Fordham Rd
10458 Bronx
(718) 367-0745

3478 Jerome Ave
10467 Bronx
(800) 225-5532

375 E 149th St
10455 Bronx
(718) 585-8333

3770 Boston Rd
10469 Bronx
(800) 225-5532

3969 White Plains Rd
10466 Bronx
(718) 231-2203

43 Westchester Sq
10461 Bronx
(800) 225-5532

4391 White Plains Rd
10466 Bronx
(718) 994-0475

5625 Broadway
10463 Bronx
(212) 601-0582

641 E Tremont Ave
10457 Bronx
(800) 225-5532

96 E 170th St
10452 Bronx
(718) 293-6870
Click on an address to zoom in on the specific KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken).

More Fastfood Restaurants in Bronx

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Stores in the area of Bronx

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KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Mount vernon
9 km
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Jackson heights
11 km
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Whitestone
11 km
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Flushing
12 km
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Woodside
12 km
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Corona
13 km
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Elmhurst
13 km
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) New york
13 km
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Middle village
15 km
For more KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) locations in the USA see KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Stores.
For all stores in Bronx see Stores Bronx or view more Fastfood Restaurants in the USA.

The distances mentioned above are measured in kilometres and as the crow flies.