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Long John Silver's Kansas city

Seafood Restaurants
Feel like shopping in Kansas city or looking for a Long John Silver's? View below the addresses, phone numbers and the website of Long John Silver's Kansas city. Through the map you can simply find out where they are located in Kansas city.

Also see Long John Silver's Stores and Stores Kansas city.

1020 Armour Rd
64116 Kansas city
(816) 474-3060

4800 E Bannister Rd
64137 Kansas city
(816) 761-1997

4949 State Ave
66102 Kansas city
(913) 596-2999

5318 Independence Ave
64124 Kansas city
(816) 483-4430

635 S 7th St
66105 Kansas city
(913) 281-4109

6860 NW 83rd Ter
64152 Kansas city
(816) 746-4710

7017 N Oak Trfy
64118 Kansas city
(816) 468-4454
Click on an address to zoom in on the specific Long John Silver's.

Stores in the area of Kansas city

Long John Silver's Independence
18 km
Long John Silver's Shawnee
19 km
Long John Silver's Liberty
20 km
Long John Silver's Overland park
25 km
Long John Silver's Lees summit
36 km
Long John Silver's Olathe
38 km
Long John Silver's Leavenworth
39 km
Long John Silver's Belton
40 km
Long John Silver's Lawrence
62 km
Long John Silver's Saint joseph
66 km
For more Long John Silver's locations in the USA see Long John Silver's Stores.
For all stores in Kansas city see Stores Kansas city or view more Seafood Restaurants in the USA.

The distances mentioned above are measured in kilometres and as the crow flies.