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Rite Aid Columbus

Feel like shopping in Columbus or looking for a Rite Aid? View below the addresses, phone numbers and the website of Rite Aid Columbus. Through the map you can simply find out where they are located in Columbus.

Also see Rite Aid Stores and Stores Columbus.

1800 Highway 45 N
39705 Columbus
(662) 327-6138

201B Alabama St
39702 Columbus
(662) 327-0900

231 Alabama St
39702 Columbus
(662) 327-2790
Click on an address to zoom in on the specific Rite Aid.

Stores in the area of Columbus

Rite Aid West point
26 km
Rite Aid Bessemer
129 km
Rite Aid Fultondale
147 km
Rite Aid Gardendale
148 km
Rite Aid Pelham
156 km
Rite Aid Alabaster
158 km
Rite Aid Birmingham
162 km
Rite Aid Pinson
166 km
Rite Aid Oneonta
188 km
Rite Aid Bowdon
294 km
For more Rite Aid locations in the USA see Rite Aid Stores.
For all stores in Columbus see Stores Columbus or view more Pharmacies in the USA.

The distances mentioned above are measured in kilometres and as the crow flies.