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Walmart Salt lake city

Discount Stores
Feel like shopping in Salt lake city or looking for a Walmart? View below the addresses, phone numbers and the website of Walmart Salt lake city. Through the map you can simply find out where they are located in Salt lake city.

Also see Walmart Stores and Stores Salt lake city.

1905 S 300 W
84115 Salt lake city
(801) 478-2400

3180 S 5600 W
84120 Salt lake city
(801) 964-0381

350 Hope Ave
84115 Salt lake city
(801) 484-7311

4570 S 4000 W
84120 Salt lake city
(801) 282-5732

4627 S 900 E
84117 Salt lake city
(801) 261-3695

5469 S Redwood Rd
84123 Salt lake city
(801) 264-5059

5675 W 6200 S
84118 Salt lake city
(801) 955-5691

6525 S State St
84107 Salt lake city
(801) 262-6444

84123 Salt lake city
(800) 925-6278
Click on an address to zoom in on the specific Walmart.

More Discount Stores in Salt lake city

Stein Mart
T.J. Maxx

Stores in the area of Salt lake city

Walmart Midvale
12 km
Walmart West jordan
12 km
Walmart Sandy
17 km
Walmart South jordan
19 km
Walmart Centerville
25 km
Walmart Draper
25 km
Walmart Riverton
29 km
Walmart Park city
30 km
Walmart Tooele
38 km
Walmart Layton
40 km
For more Walmart locations in the USA see Walmart Stores.
For all stores in Salt lake city see Stores Salt lake city or view more Discount Stores in the USA.

The distances mentioned above are measured in kilometres and as the crow flies.